Can You Use the Word Again for Against
This shows form level based on the word'southward complication.
This shows form level based on the word'southward complexity.
once more; another fourth dimension; afresh; in addition: Will yous spell your proper name again, please?
in an additional case or instance; moreover; also; furthermore.
on the other paw: It might happen, and once more information technology might not.
dorsum; in return; in respond: to answer again.
to the same place or person: to return once more.
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Idioms about again
again and again, with frequent repetition; often: They went over the same arguments again and again.
equally much again, twice as much: She earns as much once more as I practice.
Origin of again
earlier 900; Middle English agayn, ageyn, Old English ongegn opposite (to), equivalent to on on, in (run across a-ane) + gegn straight; cognate with Quondam High German ingagan, Old Norse igegn
how to pronounce once more
By far the most common pronunciation of again, in all parts of the United states of america, is [uh-gen], /əˈgɛn/, with the same vowel heard in still and pep. The pronunciation [uh-geyn], /əˈgeɪn/, rhyming with pain, occurs chiefly in the Atlantic states. Again said as [uh-gin], /əˈgɪn/, with the vowel of pit or sip, or with a vowel somewhere between [due east] /ɛ/ and [i], /ɪ/, is the mutual pronunciation in much of the South, where [east] /ɛ/ and [i] /ɪ/ tend to become neutralized, or more like one another, before [yard] /yard/ and [n], /north/, leading to a lack of noticeable distinction between such pairs as pen and pin, ten and can.
Words nearby again
ag, aga, Agabus, Agadir, Agag, again, again and again, against, against all odds, against one's better judgment, against ane's will Entire Based on the Random House Entire Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022
How to use again in a sentence
British Dictionary definitions for again
another or second time; once more; afresh he had to start again
once more in a previously experienced or encountered place, state, or status he is sick once again; he came back again
in improver to the original amount, quantity, etc (esp in the phrases every bit much again; half equally much again)
(sentence modifier) on the other hand he might come and and so again he might not
besides; also she is cute and, again, intelligent
judgement connector
moreover; furthermore once again, information technology could exist said that he is not dead
Word Origin for again
Onetime English ongegn opposite to, from a- ² + gegn straight
Collins English Lexicon - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Other Idioms and Phrases with over again
In addition to the idiom beginning with again
- again and again
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
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